Edwards Tutoring Intl.

(954) 689-0222

Online Tutoring
Recognized for success in teaching by the Who's Who among American Teachers (September, 2002)

Available Tutoring Programs

Edwards Tutoring is a local community service organization who is proud to offer tutoring to children in Pembroke Pines, Florida, and the surrounding areas. We are dedicated to helping children to grow academically which eventually will enable them to become better citizens. Below is a list of subjects we offer:

  • ACT & SAT Preparation
  • Algebra I & II
  • Biology
  • Catholic School Exam Preparation
  • Chemistry
  • College Subjects
  • Comprehension
  • Final Exams
  • GED Preparation
  • Geometry
  • Nursing Exam Preparation
  • Phonics
  • Physics
  • Pre-Calculus/Calculus
  • Professional Exams
  • Reading & Writing
  • Science
  • Study Skills
  • Teacher Exams
  • Trigonometry
  • Vocabulary Building

About Private Home Tutoring

The best environment for learning can often be the home. At Edwards Tutoring we provide tutors to do in-home tutoring where the students are the most comfortable. We encourage our students to have tutoring on a weekly basis and we offer them helpful hints on how to become more effective in their school work.

Summer Camp

This program is designed mainly to help students obtain information during the summer and also to get ahead. Another reason for our summer camp program is to help students prepare for the next grade level or courses. 

Resources and Materials

With Edwards Tutoring, the parents are always involved in their child's education. We will inform you about your child's progess on a regular basis. Additionally, Edwards Tutoring offers free resources and materials to parents, allowing them to assist their child between tutoring sessions.

Young Students


Edwards Tutoring offers affordable tutoring programs that are paid on a month-to-month basis. When you sign up, you will receive a diagnostic test for your child's reading, writing, and math skills at no extra charge. Alternately, you can pay for our diagnostic test alone without booking a tutor.

Program Schedule

Most tutoring is done after school, but with a prior arrangement, tutoring can also be done during the day if preferred. Holiday tutoring is also available in some cases, as well as morning tutoring during the summer months by simply calling and arranging an appointment.